Boost up your traffic with Amazon product listing optimization

To increased product sale, a seller should apply different techniques to boost up his sales as if he is a seller on amazon, to get huge traffic and amazing sales, product listing is the essential aspect.

Mere few simple steps of product optimization with effective technique make your product on the top.

A seller or an amazon service provider does deep research or spy for the different product beneficially and understand marketing strategy anxiously and enriching marketing tactics with their products.

After researching all these pattern and strategy, they robotize the business process in the right direction to increment in profitability.

Here are some topics which we will cover today:

  • Why product listing is essential for each product?
  • The composition of product listing
  • Perfect optimization of Amazon content
  • Briefly introduction of product title & description
  • Briefly introduction of product Image
  • Customer reviews, question and product rating

Why product listing is essential for each product?

Product listing is necessary for ameliorate product page to enhance the search visibility, click through rate (CRT) and conversion rate (CR) and finally engraft more transaction.

A seller or vendor needs to discover keyword, optimizing listing text & image content & increasing number of reviews.

Amazon Product Listing is one of the important activities for all seller and vendors. We will discuss about essential features, activities & approaches for product optimization.   

For every product, seller/vendor needs to ensure all of the product listing which are optimized these things helps to increase visitors, boost conversion and eventually you get extreme profit.

At last you can lead better amazon reviews as its totally depends on how to modified these product pages according to amazon product listing optimization.

The composition of product listing

For perfect product listing an experience seller knows about the 6 important fundamentals of product listing.

These are as follows:

  • Product title: Find relevant title which has maximum search result is the first and necessary task for every product listing. Place any 5 top most keyword according to new ranking algorithm.
  • Bullet points and Product description: Product description can be reliable and informative and the limit of amazon product description is character is about 2000 which is approx. 300 words.
  • Keywords: Keywords is the king of every content without it we can’t express our thoughts, and never explain which product we are going to sell so, in Amazon product listing optimization effective and accurate keyword also is essential weapon.
  • Product image: After giving details about product, product image showcases the actual texture of item. Mostly customer rely on seller after looking product image. 
  • Product Rating and Reviews: At last but not least the reviews and rating of product which helps in many ways and it gives potential to enhance their product and make it better than earlier.

Perfect optimization of Amazon content

It is true that good content is the mere solution to increase sales. Content optimization helps to increase in conversion rate and click-through rate rapidly, therefore product will rank on high sooner or later.

For making effective content, a seller or vendor must focus on these three points:

Product information: The information should be informative as product speaks out its own story.

Product image: The image of product should follow all algorithm of amazon

Product text: Product text includes many things which will discuss below.

Product Text & Description

Few fundamentals for improving product text and description such as title, bullet points, product description, EBC & A+ content:

  • Information about product should be informative for buyers as provide accurate and necessary information.
  • Product description should be highlighted advantages and detailed in short which help potential customer to find out exactly benefits and features pf the product. At last make sure add on some catchy keywords. (buy now, order today, 15% off etc.)

Additional content is also available for enhance description for those sellers who are engaged wit amazon brand registry (enhanced brand content) and vendors (A+ content).

Note: All should keep it in mind that mostly user suffering through mobile so the appearance of the product description on mobile devices comes out shorter while optimizing the product listing which is most important to be listed first.

Product Image

Image is a mandatory part of product listing with many corrections. To attract customers product image must be tempting, as product image is the highly priority for CTR & CR.

Product image must be complying for the customer with the minimum requirement of amazon such as white background etc. In the image, product should be easily recognizable and cleared. You can add on some effective option which help to distinguished features of product such as different angles with zooming, uses and benefits, embedding in the environment, lifestyle, and social interaction, proportions, special features and benefits, details, and packaging.

Customer’s reviews and Q&A


Excellent and remarkable reviews judge your product whether it is a better option for the consumer or bad and negative reviews shows the flaws in the product. 4-5 rating is considered that it is heart for the customers and something is really good for your product.

If your product is suffering from lower rating and reviews, here are many solutions to overcome from negative reviews which are as follow:

Go with the repeated complaints if there is some problem with the product just fix it quickly.

One of the most effective way to resolve negative review is to get feedback with the help of automated email campaign.

Last but not least just follow review guidelines of amazon, especially with the latter method.

If you are getting negative reviews you should not neglect infect comment on that review with apologize and try to solve their queries. Put your own perspective and shed a better light on the review. It also shows good customer service and might persuade the customer to amend the review or remove it altogether.

Question and Answer on Amazon

Many customers have different type of question regarding products as they are not go with offline shopping so the special feature of question and answer is quite amazing option for customers as they can freely ask any type of question regarding products which is not visible on product page. It will help in improving content of the product page.    

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